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Categories: funding programme

KommuneKredit issues new 750m EUR long 8-year benchmark

KommuneKredit issues new 750m EUR long 8-year benchmark

On Wednesday 15th of January, KommuneKredit priced a new EUR 750 million benchmark transaction maturing 17thof March 2033 at EUR MS+41bps representing a spread of 43bps over DBR 2.3% Feb-33.
On Tuesday 14th January 2025 KommuneKredit announced the mandate for a new long 8-year EUR benchmark at 10:00 CET.
The orderbook officially opened the following morning at 08:50 CET, with an initial spre

KommuneKredit Funding Programme 2020

KommuneKredit Funding Programme 2020

​KommuneKredit expects to issue approximately DKK 30bn (EUR 4bn) of long-term funding with maturities above one year in 2020. The funding budget is in line with the funding volumes raised in 2019.

It is KommuneKredit’s strategy to strengthen our presence as a green and sustainable bond issuer. We have been issuing green bonds since 2017 and expect ample growth in our green loan portfoli